Potter’s Clay Lodge MMM 1399 – Meeting (Temple)
Temple: MeetingPotter’s Clay Lodge MMM 1399 meetings take place in the Temple on the 4th Wednesday in November, February and April
Harlow Masonic Hall Limited
Harlow Masonic Hall Limited
Potter’s Clay Lodge MMM 1399 meetings take place in the Temple on the 4th Wednesday in November, February and April
Sir Richard de Lucy Chapel meetings take place in the Temple on the 3rd Saturday in December 1st Saturday in March
Borrowed Light Chapter 9054 meetings take place in the Temple on the 1st Tue in March (I) 1st Tue in June 1st Tue in Dec
Stansted 6230 Lodge meetings take place in the Temple on the 1st Wednesday in January, February, March, October (I), November and December
Parndon Magna 8805 Lodge Meetings take place in the Temple on the 1st Friday in October (Installation), December and March 4th Friday in April Start time is usually 6 pm but check the summons for details!
2nd Monday in March
Stondon Massey 7881 Lodge meetings take place in the Temple on the 4th Wednesday in September and May (I) 2nd Wednesday in November and March
Ixion 2501 Lodge meetings take place in the Temple on the 2nd Thursday in September 3rd Thursday in November 2nd Thursday in March, May (I) and July
Old Church Lodge 7070 meetings take place in the Temple on the 3rd Monday in November (I), January, March and June
Harlowbury 7795 Lodge meetings take place in the Temple on the 3rd Tuesday in October & November 3rd Tuesday in January, February, March and April Late 2023 3rd Tuesday in January was removed.
Ongar Lodge 4785 meetings take place in the Temple on the 3rd Friday in September, October (I), March and May
Sir Peter de Tany Preceptory 442 Lodge meetings take place in the Temple on the 4th Saturday in September 3rd Saturday November 4th Saturday March
West Essex 2561 Lodge meetings take place in the Temple on the 4th Tuesday in October (I), November, January and March
Regular meetings are the 4th Wednesday in March, June, and the 3rd Wednesday of November.
Historic pdf calendar versions available here.
The hall booking form has moved to its own page, located in the menu at the top.