Parndon Magna Lodge 8805 – Meeting (Temple)
Temple: MeetingParndon Magna 8805 Lodge Meetings take place in the Temple on the 1st Friday in October (Installation), December and March 4th Friday in April Start time is usually 6 pm but check the summons for details!
Parndon Magna Lodge 8805 – Meeting (Temple)
Temple: MeetingParndon Magna 8805 Lodge Meetings take place in the Temple on the 1st Friday in October (Installation), December and March 4th Friday in April Start time is usually 6 pm but check the summons for details!
Parndon Magna Lodge 8805 – Meeting (Temple)
Temple: MeetingParndon Magna 8805 Lodge Meetings take place in the Temple on the 1st Friday in October (Installation), December and March 4th Friday in April Start time is usually 6 pm but check the summons for details!
Parndon Magna Lodge 8805 – Meeting (Temple)
Temple: MeetingParndon Magna 8805 Lodge Meetings take place in the Temple on the 1st Friday in October (Installation), December and March 4th Friday in April Start time is usually 6 pm but check the summons for details!
Parndon Magna Lodge 8805 – Meeting (Temple)
Temple: MeetingParndon Magna 8805 Lodge Meetings take place in the Temple on the 1st Friday in October (Installation), December and March 4th Friday in April Start time is usually 6 pm but check the summons for details!
Parndon Magna Lodge 8805 – Meeting (Temple)
Temple: MeetingParndon Magna 8805 Lodge Meetings take place in the Temple on the 1st Friday in October (Installation), December and March 4th Friday in April Start time is usually 6 pm but check the summons for details!
Parndon Magna Lodge 8805 – Meeting (Temple)
Temple: MeetingParndon Magna 8805 Lodge Meetings take place in the Temple on the 1st Friday in October (Installation), December and March 4th Friday in April Start time is usually 6 pm but check the summons for details!
Historic pdf calendar versions available here.
The hall booking form has moved to its own page, located in the menu at the top.