Parndon Magna Lodge 8805 – Meeting (Temple)
Temple: MeetingParndon Magna 8805 Lodge Meetings take place in the Temple on the 1st Friday in October (Installation), December and March 4th Friday in April Start time is usually 6 pm but check the summons for details!
Tutela Lodge 6559 – Meeting (Temple)
Temple: MeetingTutela Lodge 6559 Lodge meetings take place in the Temple on the 1st Saturday in October, December and February 2nd Saturday in April (I)
Children’s Christmas Party (Shepherd & Dining)
Shepherd & Dining EssexChildren’s Christmas Party The party is open to all members’ children, grandchildren and nieces & nephews between the ages of 4 and 9 years old. The afternoon will include a buffet-style meal, entertainment and a present from Father Christmas. There is a limit of 65 children, therefore, to avoid disappointment please book with Ian Tarran…
Eureka 8761 – Meeting (Temple)
Temple: MeetingEureka 8761 Lodge meetings take place in the Temple on the 2nd Wednesday in October (I), December, February and April
Barnaby Rudge 8589 – Meeting (Temple)
Temple: MeetingBarnaby Rudge 8589 Lodge meetings take place in the Temple on the 2nd Thursday in October & December 3rd Thursday in March & May
Richard Clowes Lodge 2936 – Meeting (Temple)
Temple: MeetingRichard Clowes 2936 Lodge meetings take place in the Temple on the 1st Saturday in September (Installation)
The Potter Street Council 182 (Temple)
Temple: MeetingPotter Street Council 182 Lodge meetings take place in the Temple on the 3rd Monday in December 4th Friday in May 4th Thursday in August
Ongar Lodge 4785 – LoI (Shepherd Room)
Shepherd Room: LOISir Richard de Lucy Chapel 28 – Meeting (Temple)
Temple: MeetingSir Richard de Lucy Chapel meetings take place in the Temple on the 3rd Saturday in December 1st Saturday in March
Eton Manor 8438 – LoI (Shepherd Room (1))
Shepherd Room: LOIStansted Mountfitchet Lodge 6230 – Meeting (Temple)
Temple: MeetingIxion Lodge 2501 – LoI (Shepherd Room (1))
Shepherd Room: LOICambridge Heath Chapter 4506 – Meeting (Temple)
Temple: MeetingCambridge Heath Chapter 4506 Meetings agreed at the HMH Board of Directors Meeting held on 5th December 2016. Meeting dates from 2017 onwards: 2nd Wednesday of Jan, May and Sept.
Monkham’s Lodge 4161 (Temple)
Temple: MeetingMonkhams Lodge 4161 meetings take place in the Temple on, 2nd Thursday in January (Installation) 1st Thursday in May, 1st Tuesday in September and the 1st Thursday in November. Please note that as from September 2017, Monkhams Lodge September meeting will move from the, 1st Thursday in September, to the, 1st Tuesday in Septemeber.
Eton Manor 8438 – LoI (Shepherd Room (2))
Shepherd Room: LOIThe Lodge of Borrowed Light 9054 – Meeting (Temple)
Temple: MeetingBorrowed Light 9054 Lodge meetings take place in the Temple on the 3rd Thursday in October & January 2nd Thursday in April 3rd Thursday in June
Eton Manor 8438 – LoI (Shepherd Room (3))
Shepherd Room: LOIOld Church Lodge 7070 – Meeting (Temple)
Temple: MeetingOld Church Lodge 7070 meetings take place in the Temple on the 3rd Monday in November (I), January, March and June
Eton Manor 8438 – LoI (Shepherd Room (4))
Shepherd Room: LOIHistoric pdf calendar versions available here.
The hall booking form has moved to its own page, located in the menu at the top.