Dear Friends,
Please accept our sincere thanks for the help you gave us, financially and with donations, and your time, helping us to help make our children’s party, once again, a very special occasion. Everything went to plan and everyone seemed to have a great time.
Father Christmas made a special appearance, which made a special day, once again, Harlow Masonic Social Club would like to thank you, in helping to make this a special day.
A special thanks to Tony Harman, and his special helpers, Claire Hanrahan, Kerry Tarran, Lyn Harman, for the artistic help that they showed in the outstanding face painting department, which was magnificent, and shows in the pictures.
Julia and Carly for the entertainment and games, Richard, Stuart, and the rest of the people that help in front and behind the bar.
Alan and Jan Beere, and Kerry, for the terrific food spread that they supplied and served, along with all those who assisted in clearing up after wards.
We would also like to say a special thank you to our sponsors, who help with not only financial and monetary donations, but also their time.
The caterers, SW Motor Factors, Smiles Montesorri Preschool, Bruce Services, CHOGOU Embroidery, and some personal donations from, John Rayner, Tina & Trevor Clark, and Jamie Avis, DJ Robert Talbot.
Without your help the event would not have been the great success it was.
One Last and most important, is a big thank you to Father Christmas and his Head Elf, for making that special stop, just for us.
Please come and support us again in December this year.
Many Thanks and Kindest Regards
Ian Tarran Secretary
Clive Ross Chairman
Harlow Masonic Hall Social Club.