Snow update – Christmas Party
Unfortunately, the Harlow Masonic Hall Children’s Christmas Party was cancelled today due to the weather, after considering the options, we decided to cancel the event.
We obviously had a visit from Father Christmas, who has left presents for all of the children that he was going to meet, so we will be asking him to pop along for a few hours and meet the children and give them their presents. We will be advising of his visit as soon as we have made contact with him.
Once again on behalf of the HMHSC committee, we would like to thank all of our supporters and sponsors, for their help and contributions.
The Caterers, Alan & Jan Beere
Montessori Nursery Lynn & Dave Almond
Bruce Maintenance services Richard Hanrahan & Family
SW Motor Factors Ltd Stuart & Gwen Walker
We would like to take this chance to wish you all a very happy Christmas to you and all your family