1. All applications for a tenancy at Harlow Masonic Hall are to be approved by the Board of Directors and will be confirmed in writing by the Company Secretary.
  2. Lodges, Chapters and other Masonic organisations Meeting at Harlow Masonic Hall are to acquire equity in Harlow Masonic Hall Ltd to a minimum of 100 (one hundred) Shares. A minimum of 20 Shares must be purchased at the commencement of the Tenancy agreement, followed by a yearly purchase of a minimum of 20 shares until the full allocation is acquired. If a unit becomes in arrears with regards to the aforementioned schedule of shares purchased, then bookings will not be taken and the unit will be removed from the calendar and suspended from using the Hall and facilities until all debts are paid. There is no ceiling on the number of shares any Lodge, Chapter etc can purchase. Shares are non refundable should the unit move elsewhere or return their warrant.
  3. Secretaries of Lodges and Masonic organisations are responsible for observing the regulations relating to the security of the whole premises. Details of these requirements will be provided either by the Company Secretary or Harlow Masonic Hall Club Manager.
  4. Lodges and Chapters, etc. are responsible for their own property stored on the premises for which a locker will be provided. Harlow Masonic Hall Ltd accept no responsibility whatsoever for loss or damage to Lodge, etc. property or property belonging to Members of Lodges or their guests.
  5. Furniture and equipment (not capable of being stored in a locker) is not to be brought into Harlow Masonic Hall without prior approval of the Board of Directors and confirmed in writing by the Company Secretary. Unless permission from the Board of Directors has been given for a banner to be displayed in the Temple, Lodge banners are to be stored in the cupboard provided. In no circumstances may they be stored in boxes or containers or elsewhere on the premises.
  6. Lodges, Chapters, etc are required to either appoint Stewards to provide a bar and wine service for their own Festive Boards or pay for the services of the Harlow Masonic Hall Manager. If Stewards provide the bar service, then it is the responsibility of each Lodge, Chapter, etc to ensure all monies are deposited in the floor safe, that the Stewards clean up behind the bar, wash all glasses and to leave the bar and hall in the same condition in which they found it. Failure to meet this requirement will result in the Board imposing a £50 charge on the Lodge.
  7. It is the responsibility of Lodge, Chapters, etc to ensure that the air conditioning/heating is turned off in the Temple (or other room booked) prior to their departure from Harlow Masonic Hall. If the air conditioning is found to be left on, a charge of £25 will be levied against the Unit.
  8. All wines, spirits, alcoholic beverages, mixers and soft drinks consumed on the premises must be purchased from Harlow Masonic Hall Ltd. It is strictly forbidden for any Unit or Member of a Unit or their guest to bring any alcoholic drinks or any other beverages for consumption onto the premises.
  9. To maintain a catering service at Harlow Masonic Hall, Lodges are required to dine when they book the temple for a meeting.All meals and refreshments are provided by a caterer to whom a franchise has been granted by Harlow Masonic Hall Ltd. Lodges, Chapters, etc. should make their own arrangements with the appointed caterer for their meal requisites, payment for which should be made on the day of the Meeting. This rule applies strictly to all events held at the Hall, whether regular Masonic Meetings or associated charity/fund raising events. If no catering is required, then a flat fee payment (at the standard per capita rate in force at the time of the meeting) must be made to the caterer as if twelve Members had dined.
  10. Food must not be consumed in the Shepherd Room, Cabin or the Temple. Drinks are permissible in the Shepherd Room and Cabin only.
  11. Rents for accommodation of main Meetings at the Hall become due and are payable without demand immediately on the day of each Meeting. Rents for LoI/CoI’s etc are to be paid without demand on the 1st of the month, one month in arrears. Payment is preferred by bank transfer as banking establishments are now charging for the cashing of cheques. The Board of Harlow Masonic Hall Ltd. reserve the right, at any point in the future, to apply a levy to cover any transaction charges applied by banking establishments for the cashing of cheques. If a unit becomes 2 or more months in arrears with temple rent, then bookings will not be taken and the unit will be removed from the calendar and suspended from using the Hall and facilities until all debts are paid.
  12. In the event of cancellation, Lodges & Chapters of Instruction will be charged rent unless 2 clear weeks notice is given to the Hall Booking Manager of such cancellation. Requests for additional ad hoc L of I’s are received often and may be granted if sufficient notice of cancellation is given.
  13. The proceedings of a Meeting are to be arranged so as to permit the Temple to be vacated and returned to a Craft configuration by 7:30 p.m. For Masonic units Meeting on Saturday mornings the relevant time is 3:00 p.m.
  14. In the interests of personal security, Lodges etc must ensure that there are at least 2 people present when locking up the Hall after a Meeting or Lodge, Chapter of Instruction. This is a requirement of our insurance cover and will reduce the risk of injury to Members at a potentially vulnerable time.
  15. Any change in the Secretary or Treasurer of a Lodge, Chapter or other Masonic organisation is to be notified to the Company Secretary in writing without delay. In this context Secretaries are reminded that the Essex Handbook cannot be relied upon to provide the relevant information!
  17. All Secretaries are obliged by Health and Safety regulations to read out the Hall Fire Evacuation Procedure at the commencement of each Meeting, L of I, etc. A copy of this Procedure is kept on the Secretary’s table in the Temple and must not be removed.
  18. In any matter not covered by the above conditions, the decision of the Board of Directors of Harlow Masonic Hall Ltd shall be final.


By Order of the Board

Harlow Masonic Hall Ltd

Revised 1st November 2021


Chairman of the Board:Stephen Baker
Harlow Masonic Hall Treasurer:Alan Leverett
Secretary to the Board & Hall Booking Manager:Chris Lane
Harlow Masonic Hall Club Manager:Bob Marshall